All services that are needed in the marketing process of the products and services of our local manufacturers in Turkey to our international portfolio, finding new customers, creating new contacts and carrying the process into the shipping stage.
We are expanding in the world by exporting grabs, attachments necessary for handling all types of materials in port enterprises, ship decks, factories and mobile cranes and related auxiliary equipment with Cromex® quality and assurance.
We design and implement the most appropriate design for our customers' workflow. Our systems are used in Machinery Production, Logistics and Distribution, Food and Health sectors.
For your international shipments or warehousing needs we are able to provide you any type and size second hand or new shipping containers around the globe. (Dry/Flat/Refer/Tank)
We are an integrated solution provider for all your confidential sourcing, supply and project management, branding and private label needs and create worldwide growth on wide range of strategic commodities such as steel and food.